What is the event loop in JavaScript?

The event loop is a fundamental concept in JavaScript that is responsible for handling asynchronous operations.

In JavaScript, most I/O operations, such as fetching data from a server or reading a file from disk, are non-blocking and asynchronous. This means that the program continues to execute while the operation is in progress, and a callback function is used to handle the result of the operation when it’s ready.

The event loop is a loop that constantly runs and checks the message queue for any new events or tasks that need to be executed. When an asynchronous operation is initiated, it is pushed to the message queue. Once the current task in the execution stack is completed, the event loop picks up the next task in the queue and pushes it onto the execution stack to be executed.

This mechanism allows JavaScript to handle multiple tasks and events at the same time, even though it is single-threaded. It also ensures that the program is not blocked by long-running tasks or I/O operations, and that the UI remains responsive.

Understanding the event loop is crucial for writing efficient and scalable JavaScript code, especially when dealing with complex and asynchronous applications.

In this code, we have a console.log statement that prints ‘start’ to the console. Then we have a setTimeout function that schedules a callback function to be executed after a delay of 0 milliseconds. We also have a Promise.resolve function that returns a resolved promise and schedules a callback function to be executed when the promise is resolved. Finally, we have another console.log statement that prints ‘end’ to the console.


setTimeout(() => { 
    console.log('timeout callback'); 
}, 0); 

Promise.resolve().then(() => { 
     console.log('promise resolved'); 


// Output: 

// start 
// end 
// promise resolved 
// timeout callback

Here’s how the event loop works in this example:

  1. The first console.log statement is executed and prints ‘start’ to the console.
  2. The setTimeout function is called, which schedules a callback function to be executed after a delay of 0 milliseconds. Since this is an asynchronous operation, it is pushed to the message queue and the program continues to execute.
  3. The Promise.resolve function is called, which returns a resolved promise and schedules a callback function to be executed when the promise is resolved. Since this is also an asynchronous operation, it is pushed to the message queue and the program continues to execute.
  4. The second console.log statement is executed and prints ‘end’ to the console.
  5. The current task in the execution stack is completed, and the event loop picks up the next task in the message queue.
  6. The callback function for the resolved promise is executed, which prints ‘promise resolved’ to the console.
  7. The current task in the execution stack is completed again, and the event loop picks up the next task in the message queue.
  8. The callback function for the setTimeout function is executed, which prints ‘timeout callback’ to the console.


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